Employer Help Center

How do I manage Job Slot assignments for my team? [Video]

Select “Subscriptions” under your name in the top right corner of your dashboard. From there, click “Manage Slot Assignments” to view the number of Job Slots in your unassigned pool and the number of Job Slots each team member is currently using and/or has assigned to them.

To assign Job Slots that are in the unassigned pool, click the “+” symbol next to the team member’s name and click “Save Changes.”

To reassign an assigned Job Slot, remove it from the team member by clicking the “-“ sign next to their name. This will add the Job Slot to the unassigned pool where it can then be reassigned to another team member. Be sure to click “Save Changes” when finished.

Active Job Slots cannot be reassigned until the posting is closed. Additionally, only users with the Post Jobs permission can use Job Slots in the unassigned pool.

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